Baca: Psalm 90:12

"Teach us to use wisely all the time we have." ( Psalm 90:12 ) CEV

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Thoughts for Today
Statistics indicate that the number of single-parent homes is increasing around the globe. If you are not a single parent, you probably know someone who is. These single parents have many unique issues to face and difficulties to deal with. Parents temporarily raising a child alone because of a spouse serving in the military face many of the same challenges.

One major issue is time management. Most single parents face frustration in that they do not have time available to spend with their children. With full-time work, a full-time family, and no spouse to help with the responsibilities, this problem may seem overwhelming.

Consider this ...
If you are a single parent, you may feel exhausted after a long day at work and taking care of household responsibilities, but developing a set period each day that your children can count on can go a long way to help with the stresses of single parenting. During this time, you may choose to read, play, or just talk, depending on the age and needs of your children.

Be encouraged to begin now-set aside a realistic period of time each day to spend with your children. Some days you may only be able to devote a few minutes to them, but any amount of consistent quality time will make a difference to all of you.

Living Free Every Day® is a ministry of livingfree.org

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