
"This is not good!" Moses' father-in-law exclaimed. "You're going to wear yourself out-and the people, too. This job is too heavy a burden for you to handle all by yourself." Exodus 18:17-18 NLT (suggested reading Exodus 18:13-23)

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Thoughts for the Day

Moses was trying to do it all. Serve as judge for all Israel. He would listen to disputes for exhausting hours on end. And the people had to wait and wait for their turn to come, if it ever did. When Moses' father-in-law saw what was happening, he said, "This is not good!" He advised Moses to organize and delegate. Moses complied. He was no longer exhausted and everyone was better served.

We often resist asking other people to help us, but sometimes we need help. Caring for our baby is one of those times. We need a support system as we begin the challenge of parenting and guiding a new life into responsible adulthood.

Of course, the Holy Spirit is our primary source of help and support. But God often helps us through other people. Parents, grandparents, other relatives, godly friends, pastors.

Consider This . . .

Don't just wait for help to come to you. Actively search out people who will encourage and support you during this time. It takes active planning to avoid becoming isolated and overwhelmed. Look within your church. Check out parent support groups. Ask your doctor and pastor for other possible sources of support.
When someone offers to help, be specific about your needs. You surely need their prayers. Maybe some temporary help with your older children . . . or with meals . . . or laundry. Someone willing to just sit down with you for a cup of coffee and a friendly chat. Someone to give you a break two or three hours a week. And you may need counsel from those more experienced than you. Offer them the blessing of being able to help you!

Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success.
Proverbs 15:22 NLT

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