
"O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge." (Psalm 62:8 NLT)

Bacaan tahunan: Isaiah 1-4

Thoughts for Today
This week's devotions come from our curriculum Lessons Learned: Moving from Homosexuality to Holiness. Tammy Webb-Witholt, who has traveled this path, deals with moving from a homosexual lifestyle into a vital growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Eye-opening quotes from Tammy are scattered throughout these devotions.
"I need to pray. As a new Christian, I recognized that on my own I could never get my life in order, could never please God. I needed God's help (and still do!). My Christian friends did not understand my homosexual struggles, and I had to talk to someone. I was desperate. Prayer became my lifeline. Talking to God was the only way I could pour out all I was feeling. God was able to handle my honesty, and He was able to fill my heart with hope."
Consider this ...
How about you? Are you honest with God? Do you trust his love enough to tell him with your innermost feelings, struggles, thoughts?
When your struggles are the greatest, you need God the most. But you need to be honest with him, even if what you are feeling is ugly. He is the only one who truly understands. He loves you unconditionally. Unconditionally. No matter what you tell him, he will still love you. (He knows the truth anyhow . . . but he wants you to open your heart to him and his healing power.)
Are you ready to pour out your heart to him?

Living Free Every Day® is a ministry of livingfree.org

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