
"Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ's body. We are many parts but one body, and we all belong to each other. In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well." Romans 12:4-6 NLT

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Thoughts for the Day

Romans 12 teaches that various members of the body of Christ have special functions and gifts. This applies to us as individuals within the local church. Additionally, all Christian churches and ministries are a part of the Body of Christ. God has a function or purpose for each ministry and draws the people with the appropriate gifts to each one.

Picture the world as a gigantic mosaic with God as the Master Artist. Each piece of the mosaic has its own characteristics, designed especially for the spot God has called it to fill. As each ministry focuses on its calling and is guided by the Holy Spirit, God's plan will be accomplished.

In order for all of us together to accomplish God's plan most effectively, we need to work in unity-setting aside all jealousy and competition and remembering that we belong to each other. We need to respect each other's differences in doctrine, as long as all agree on the basic truths of the Gospel. We need to pray for one other and help one other.

Consider This . . .

Always remember that your church or ministry is part of the entire Body of Christ, but God has a special plan just for you. You are one part of the Body. The part you play is not any less important-or more important-than any other part. As ministries in each community, in each country, and around the world work together and support each other, each one doing its own part, so much more can be done. Christ-centered unity will withstand the test of time and have the approval of God.

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