
"We use God's mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments." 2 Corinthians 10:4 NLT

Bible in a year:

Thoughts for the Day
Learned helplessness comes from repeated unsuccessful attempts to control the violence in our home. As victims, we eventually become depressed and helpless. Those feelings destroy our motivation to do something different.

We must learn new methods of survival. Using God's Word as our guide, we need to take all thoughts captive to Christ, cast down human reasoning, and replace false arguments with God's promises to us.

God does not transform us by removing our problems but by renewing our minds. By teaching us to depend on him instead of those around us. By applying the Word of God to our life, we learn to change our inner thoughts to produce healthier thinking.

The key to eliminating worry is to place our trust in something solid, predictable, and helpful for growth: the Word of God!

Consider This . . .

A major step in changing destructive thoughts is to claim the promises of God by believing he is trustworthy.

To change our thinking, we must understand the nature of faith. Faith is acting on knowledge. We must exercise our mind, choose to believe God is who he says he is, to believe he can deliver what he promises, and then to act on our faith.

We must act on our new beliefs, our new thoughts. We must stop worrying and trust God.

We can overcome our overdependence on a spouse by renewing our mind and acting according to our faith in God.

Living Free Every Day is a ministry of livingfree.org

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