
"You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus." 2 Timothy 3:15 NLT

Bible in a year:

Thoughts for the Day

So you have a new baby. You will quickly realize your infant is completely dependent on you to meet his or her needs. Feeding needs, diaper needs, comfort needs, needs for love, security, and cuddling. These needs can appear overwhelming until you recognize once again and confess that this child is in God's hands. He will put no responsibility on you that He does not enable you to meet.

The keys to parenting at this age are vigilance and consistency.

Consider This . . .

Your new baby's chief way of communicating with you is through crying. Crying means simply that your little one needs to have a specific need met. The need may be for feeding, a diaper change, relief from pain, or simply love and security. Within the first three months you will most likely learn to distinguish your baby's different cries. Be attentive to the needs! As babies learn that their needs will be met, most of them become less and less demanding. It is not good to let a baby cry for prolonged periods. We do not spoil infants if we pick them up, love them, and meet their needs when they cry.
Your best means of communicating with your baby is by voice and touch. Babies need to feel their parents' touch, arms, and security. Talk and sing to your little one. Your baby needs to learn and become comfortable with the sound of your voice. Avoid loud tones and arguing in your child's presence.

In today's scripture, the apostle Paul pointed out to Timothy that being taught the holy Scriptures from childhood had given him the wisdom to receive salvation through Christ Jesus. You cannot start too soon reading Scripture to your infant. Consistently combine that with regular prayer for him or her to receive Jesus at an early age and walk with Him throughout life.

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