
"But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere." James 3:17 NLT

Bible in a year:

Thoughts for the Day

You may serve as a caregiver for a short time . . . or for many years. Many caregivers neglect themselves during this time. That neglect can lead to physical or emotional problems.

Today we will look at a few things to remember and try. Again, ask God for his wisdom in caring for yourself as well as your loved one.
Consider This . . .

Don't overlook loneliness. You want to help and feel the need to constantly be doing something. But remember your loved one may often simply want you to be there. Offer them the ministry of presence.

Take care of you. You may find yourself facing depression, anxiety, and personal health problems. Be careful not to overlook your own health and well-being by giving too much of yourself.

Seek information and support. You may feel unprepared to deal with the many challenges and decisions you are facing. Take time to get information, skills training, and support.

Deal with your emotions. You may be struggling with seeing your loved one face physical and cognitive limitations. As you experience a wide range of emotions, be careful not to deny your feelings. Talking with others may help you accept and cope with loss.

Be prepared for conflict. You may experience conflict as you try to balance family, work, and community responsibilities. Also, family members may not agree on the care needed and who should be responsible for the individual roles and tasks. Be open, honest, and kind when talking with others.

Remember your source. Don't get so busy with all you are doing that you neglect your personal time with God in prayer and reading the Bible. God is your source of comfort, strength, and wisdom. Spend more time with him-not less.

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