
"Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6 NIV

Bible in a year:

Thoughts for the Day

"I have to be perfect." "I must have everyone's love and approval." "I'll be a social outcast unless I lose weight."

Irrational beliefs like these can lead to unhappiness, depression and eating disordered behaviors. These misguided beliefs often come from basing truth on our own thoughts, feelings, experiences and expertise, or on what other people say and think.

There is only one place we can be sure to find truth: in the Bible. Jesus said that he is the truth. We can never know the truth of our worth, our circumstances, our wants and needs, our rights and responsibilities, or our purpose unless we first hear truth from Jesus, the author of truth. "Jesus told the people who had faith in him, 'If you keep on obeying what I have said, you truly are my disciples. You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.'"
John 8:31-32 CEV

Consider This . . .

Have you accepted Jesus as truth? Are you looking to him for truth? You can find the truth by reading the Bible. By talking to God. By inviting Jesus into your life.

What is the truth about you? The Bible says that you were designed by God . . . you are his treasure . . . you are loved unconditionally by him . . . Jesus died for your sins and you can be forgiven, no matter what you have done. God has a good plan and a special purpose for your life. And that is real truth.

Living Free Every Day is a ministry of livingfree.org

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