
"If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking." (James 1:5 NLT)

Bible in a year:

Thoughts for the Day

Paula felt ashamed after her husband coerced her into an abortion with threats of violence. Afterward, she felt there was nowhere to turn. Her abusive marriage grew even more so as her husband threatened to tell all their family and friends about the abortion unless she did as he said.

"People assume it's your fault if you're poor and if your husband is violent," she explains. "I knew abortion was wrong, but I pictured myself trying to feed our already hungry kids with no heat, no warm clothes. When he threatened me, it all became simply overwhelming. After the abortion, [when] he threatened to expose me, I never felt so trapped."

Paula lost all faith-in herself and in God. The more abusive her husband became, the less she was worth in her own eyes. Paula could have become just another statistic, but her parents never stopped demonstrating their love for her and sharing God's love for her. When Paula began to believe in that love, she shared the secret of what was happening in her home. Her parents grieved with her and looked for ways to help her. Her family's caring support enabled Paula to see herself as worthy of love and respect, increasing her faith and trust in God to heal her of the hurts of abortion and abuse.

Consider This . . .

Faith got Paula through those dark days and helped her reach out for help and healing.

If you have been devalued through abuse or other suffering, you may be finding it difficult to reach out to get the help you need. But if you never risk reaching out to people and sharing the truth, you may never feel the full measure of God's grace to change your life.

Jesus loves you and wants to help you. Are you ready to reach out for help? To trust him to forgive you and heal you? To trust him to bring people into your life who can help? Consider taking that first step today.

Living Free Every Day is a ministry of livingfree.org

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