
"Joshua said to the Israelites, "Come here and listen to the words of the LORD your God." Joshua 3:9 NLT

Bible in a year:

Thoughts for the Day

Communication is a vital key to every relationship. And so it is with our relationship with Christ. Intimacy with God is not possible without communication.

When we pray, we talk to God. When we listen, God can talk to us. Unfortunately, most of us spend all our prayer time talking to him, never taking time to listen.

God speaks to us in various ways: Through the teaching of the Bible. Through Scripture "explosions." (This is when a verse literally jumps off the page and speaks to us.) He speaks through a "still, small voice" in our hearts and minds. And sometimes he speaks though other people or through circumstances-in these cases, the message will usually be a confirmation of something he has already told us.

Consider This . . .

How do we know when we are hearing from God, not the enemy or even our own imagination? First, God comes openly with peace, never causing fear, anxiety or guilt. Second, his message will always line up with Scripture and will build faith. And third, his message will result in more love and more power in our lives-not in confusion.

God loves you and wants to communicate with you. Learn to listen!

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