
"Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken." Psalm 62:5-6 NLT

Bible in a year:

Thoughts for the Day

After passing through denial, then anger, bargaining and depression, many people concerned about a loved one with a life-controlling problem reach the point of acceptance.

Acceptance is a welcome place of relief. Now we can finally turn our loved one over to God. To his love and discipline, to his mercy and grace. To his healing power.

Consider This . . .

Turning our struggling loved one over to God does not mean that we no longer care what happens to him, but that we have accepted the reality of the situation and the fact that we can't fix the problem.

This is where we emotionally detach ourselves from our loved ones, even as we continue to love them and trust God's guidance in redesigning our role in their life.

Here we are able to acknowledge that they are themselves responsible for their own behavior. We accept our powerlessness to change them.

We are finally ready to

Let go and let God.

Living Free Every Day is a ministry of livingfree.org

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