
"So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband." Ephesians 5:33 NLT

Bible in a year:

Thoughts for the Day

An important part of preparing for the changes and challenges a new baby can bring is the strengthening of the husband's and wife's commitment to each other--a fresh resolve to show love and respect for each other in all you do. If you are an expectant couple, try to spend more time together during these months of waiting. Perhaps you can even plan a weekend get-away to be alone.

Spend time just relaxing and enjoying each other's company. But also talk--and listen. Share your dreams. Discuss your fears and anxieties about parenting. Celebrate the joy and excitement you feel about bringing this child into the world.

Consider This . . .

Together, plan what kind of parents you want to be. Come to an agreement about boundaries and discipline for the child. However difficult it may be, it's important to come to agreement about these things in order to present a united front to your child--even during the very young years.

It would be good for each of you to write a paragraph in your own words that describes the type of parent you want to be. Share these thoughts with each other and talk about them. Most important, pray together. Ask God to give you wisdom as you prepare to begin one of the greatest joys--and challenges--of your life: godly parenting.

Not expecting? These are great guidelines for every couple. Spend time together, talk to each other, dream and plan together. In these ways, show your love and respect for each other.

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