THE 20-60-20 RATIO


"Remember that some men's sins are obvious, and are equally obviously bringing them to judgment. The sins of other men are not apparent, but are dogging them, nevertheless, under the surface. Similarly some virtues are plain to see, while others, though not at all conspicuous, will eventually make themselves felt." (1 Timothy 5:24-25 Phillips)

Bible in a year: Judges 1-2

Thoughts for Today
People don't usually talk in church about the things that are bothering them under the surface, but people are struggling. The 20-60-20 ratio describes most congregations. Over the next few days, we will look at these three groups.

Today--the first "20." Typically, 20 percent of a congregation are the faithful supporters and active lay leaders. Many are doing quite well, but some are secretly having a hard time. They feel they must be the examples in the church and that admitting to a life-controlling issue would damage their testimony.
Even those who are doing well may be getting trapped by something in some area of their life. Some are being affected by trying to help friends and loved ones with life-controlling problems.

Consider this ...
Do you see yourself in this "20" group? Perhaps you are serving in a leadership position or as an active volunteer. Are there life-controlling issues affecting you? Issues you are trying to hide from others--and maybe even yourself? Remember, God sees all . . . and he cares.

You may have let the busyness of ministry take over your life. Or you may have tried to help a friend with problems and have found yourself being entangled in that person's struggles. Or perhaps you are harboring resentment or bitterness. You don't want to admit these things. What would people think? What kind of a testimony would you have?
Remember, a life-controlling struggle blocks your spiritual growth. It keeps you from becoming the person God wants you to be and prevents you from doing all he has called and equipped you to do. It's time to be honest. With him. With yourself. With others. Earnestly ask God to give you direction, steps you can take toward freedom. Seek answers in his Word. Christian counseling could help. Consider finding a small group where everyone can share something about their struggles and together turn to God and his Word for answers.

The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure. (1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT)

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