Read: Ephesians 4:31

Bible in a year: Psalm 36-39

Thoughts for Today
Anger is a God-given emotional response we all experience occasionally. When we surrender ourselves to God and use self-control, anger is a normal emotion; uncontrolled, it can have tragic consequences. For those who have experienced abuse, anger is often used as a means of avoiding other even more unpleasant and devastating feelings like guilt, shame, grief and fear.
Consider this ...
As we seek God for healing, we should ask Him where all the anger and hurt come from. He will show us the reason we try to avoid feeling pain and will help us face what we need to face to let go of the pain, the past, and the anger.
We must be willing to go to God with our feelings, no matter what they are. We need to repent of the anger and bitterness. Usually one of the most difficult steps in the healing process is forgiving those we need to forgive. What may seem impossible is possible with Christ's help.
Healing is a process that may require many trips to the foot of the cross and many requests for the Lord to change us. But remember this: He is able, more than able, to help us overcome and become all He has designed us to be. His arms are not too short!

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